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Shopping for Shrimp
Shrimp Sizing Chart
Frozen or Fresh
Block or IQF?
How to Thaw Frozen Shrimp
Heads and Shells
To Devein or Not to...
Fish is notoriously challenging to grill successfully over hot fire, often sticking to grates, flaking away or overcooking. Yet when done right it can...
Anchovies. Anchovies. WRONG. I've found that everyone loves anchovies, but some people aren't aware of it. Anchovies, according to many chefs and experienced home...
The first batch of soft shell crabs for 2009 has arrived at Grand Central Oyster Bar in Manhattan and other places.
Advertisement BannerRobb Walsh, a...
Anchovies rank at the top of the list when it comes to flavor-enhancing ingredients. Loaded with glutamates and inosinates--molecules that we perceive as deeply...
The Food Lab will be exploring the importance of resting your meat this week. Asides from over/under-cooking/seasoning, not resting meat properly is probably the...